Scaring away a middle-of-the-night invader

Home » Scaring away a middle-of-the-night invader

The ConnecTour team had the opportunity of being hosted by a Warmshowers couple in the heart of Ottawa’s Centre-Ville district, beside the Ottawa River. But the overnight campout in the backyard was filled with drama.

In the middle of the night, Lynn Marshall was awaken by someone sneaking into the back yard. Fearing the person was trying to steal some of the team’s expensive touring bicycles, she confronted the apparent intruder aggressively, threatening him and shouting at him to leave.

Then, moments after that incident, Lynn discovered someone trying to crawl into her tent.

But intrusions are not always what they seem. Lynn, and fellow rider, Andy Williamson, recount the amusing turn of events in this short video:

Follow more of the ConnectTour adventures, as the team explores Quebec and, soon, the Atlantic provinces. 

6 thoughts on “Scaring away a middle-of-the-night invader”

    1. It was great to have you all here! We had a good chuckle… you are all still welcome anytime. Nico survived the incident ?

  1. Too funny…though at the moment super traumatic for Niko and Lynn both. It is Niko’s backyard after all! Many thanks to Carel and Richard for hosting us and BEWARE future intruders….ConnecTour has a guard dog! As far as Andy goes…that’s another story.

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